How to play eu4 multiplayer from a ck2 conversion
How to play eu4 multiplayer from a ck2 conversion

how to play eu4 multiplayer from a ck2 conversion

Not quite happy yet, the Romanians finished off Lübeck and took the ancient trading city for themselves while also creating a lovely new vassal state called Hesse. Say, those Russians are getting kinda bold, aren't they? With another swift strike while the entire Russian army was apparently vacationing in Siberia, the Romanians landed and took over that most precious of Russian land: Moscow and Novgorod. With the power of our hyperefficient administrators and some absolutists in the government, the armies of the Romanians struck down the German traders and in one swift war the Romanian army annexed almost all of Lübeck in a single go.Īfter cleaning up some of the other little City States around the old country of Poland, the eyes of the warmongering Romanians went to the East. Those crazy Lubeck traders had been rampaging in Prussian and Polish lands for far too long.

how to play eu4 multiplayer from a ck2 conversion

With this new power backing them, the Romanians became increasingly bold and decided the northern neighbours weren't long for this world. This session was a spectacular victory for all who calls themselves Romanian! As you know, the last game ended with an amazing Turning of the Tables, the vassalization of Romania's ancient overlords, the Poles. Stealing Uzzy's idea, I'm gonna give this a soundtrack: Romania - A new year for a new Great Power!

How to play eu4 multiplayer from a ck2 conversion